Share the Planet Association & CCAAN has arranged a workshop on Climate Change Adaptive Agriculture
Organized a workshop on Climate Change Adaptive Agriculture in collaboration with Share the Planet Association. It was attended by members (Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Asia Arsenic Network Bangladesh, Krishi Gobeshona Foundation (KGF), ASED Habigonj, BARCIK, Prattasha Samazik Unnayan Sangstha (PSUS), Sonar Bangla Foundation (SBF)) of the Climate Change Adaptive Network. Parimal Kumar Roy, representative of Share the Planet Association conducted the two days workshop.
On the first day, the speakers of the south-west part said that the balance of the environment is being protected by cultivating Aman as a safe food. While discussing the topic of arsenic, the speaker said that vegetables have the highest amount of arsenic while rice has the lowest amount of arsenic. Emphasis is placed on data validation and authenticity of data while using data.
In the case of irrigation, it is seen that farmers are using more water, as a result of which methane gas is increasing in the air, while the cost is increasing, to overcome this situation, it is necessary to change the mindset of the farmer.
In the discussion of the south-west part, speakers said that the farmers are using the Indian seeds more, but the invented seeds of our country is climate tolerant and very good, such as BR 95, and local seed conservation, Use, Seed Supply, arrange demo plot and the relevant departments should work together and strengthen its campaign at the field level. Also emphasis is placed on crop rotation of crop diversification and crop association.
On the second day of the workshop, the experience of Hoar area was discussed. It can be seen that due to lack of proper roads, farmers are unable to take their crops home, on the other hand, due to early floods, the canals are getting water logged due to lack of repair, which makes the people of Hoar very difficult to carry out their agricultural work.
Finally, the speakers agreed that there is a need to define a course of action to jointly address the challenges of climate change adaptive agriculture. Thanks to The Toyota Foundation for making the workshop successful by their financial support